The United States of American is the greatest country the world has ever known. I believe that as founded, it embodies the potential of free will that God intended for man. The liberty, gifted by God, that Americans are granted by our constitution and Bill of Rights have not been duplicated anywhere on earth. This unique, American experiment in limited government, is I believe the source of American Exceptionalism, and the American century that lifted the world out of poverty and oppression. Our hubris, contributes to our sense of entitlement, and blinds us to the precarious perch on which we sit. We decay from within.
The current situation is not by chance. The progressive movement has worked for more than 100 years to undermine America as intended. They quietly infiltrated and inundated the educational system. They worked to influence and control entertainment and the media. Now they dominate government, and large corporations. What they all have in common is the willingness to bend their organizations to further their socialist agenda. Now they collude, spread propaganda, and seek to stamp out opposition.
I am of the mind that those of us that see what has, and is happening, have an obligation to do something about it. I have tried in the past, and often try to think of ways to reach more Americans. This seams like as good a place to try again as any.
Sound off. Call Bullshit as often as needed. With our current cast of misfits running this country you really can’t call it enough.
Please don’t post a bunch of links that aren’t working to restore America. Find people here that will work with you and all of us to put people in government and other leadership positions that believe America is worth keeping around.
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